Discovering Our Health: Rethinking Mind, Consciousness, and Thought
This paper focuses on the emergence, in the field of psychotherapy, of a new level of
therapeutic understanding, deeply consonant with the world view of the wisdom
traditions that affirm the spiritual nature of the human personality and the spiritual basis
of authentic mental health.
Beyond Competing Identities and Ideologies: Building Resilience to Radicalization in a World in Transition
Paper presented to the NATO Advanced Research Workshop ‘Indigenous Terrorism:
Understanding and Addressing the Root Causes of Radicalization Among Groups with an
Immigrant Heritage in Europe’, Budapest, Hungary, 7-9th March, 2008.
Clash or Meeting Between East and West: An Analysis of the Post-9/11 Challenges
This article adopts a macrocultural approach to understanding complex current
global tensions and the way they may account for recent acts of terrorism. It proposes
that the recent conflict between the West and radical militant Islam can be understood
as the polarization of 2 partial perspectives on social justice